Our Integrations

Our software has the ability to communicate with multiple local and online systems, and these integrations are free. If you need custom development, chat to our team and get a free quotation.

Website Book Button

We can generate a unique embed code that will show a button on your website. Using this button, potential guests can view availability, and make bookings directly into your Host database at your property (live link).

Point of Sale Systems

We currently integrate with Cuisine, Gaap, Powertill and Voyagepos. If you are using a different POS that is not in this list, we would be happy to work with them to create a link to The Host. If this will help you, please contact us.

Channel Manager

Your monthly fee includes a link to our channel manager (web-based), which allows a set percentage of your total occupancy to be securely pushed to it. Development is almost complete for this feature, so stay tuned for it.

Bulk SMS Services

Our software has the ability to send SMS confirmations for bookings. This feature is provided by eCommunicate and is fully automatic. Bulk SMS is also possible, as well as being able to message a single guest on demand.

Accounting Packages

The Host can export journal totals to the local version of Pastel Accounting. Although this is accomplished using a CSV file, it requires minimal effort and can be done very quickly. If you want a link to other software, let us know.

Telephonic Systems

We have an integration with Man3000, which is used to record live call records from a telephone system. We are always interested in adding more integrations, so let us know about your needs and we will see if we can help.

Need a quote or have questions?