Our Features

This is a simplified view of what our software offers. If you want more details about any features of The Host, our support team would be happy to help you or organize a quick demonstration.

Website "Book Now" Button

Our support team can generate the embed code which will add a “Book Now” button to your site. We can even add it for you if we get FTP access.

When a potential guest clicks on this button, they will be able to query real-time availability at your property, make a provisional booking and pay via the secure PayFast gateway (credit card or EFT).

Dedicated Support Team (24/7/365)

We understand that problems don’t always wait for working hours, and we have a support team that is available around the clock who can assist with any software related issues at any time you need it.

Once we have completed the on-premises training, our team is also available to answer any questions about using the software via telephone or email.

Guest Invoicing and Quotes

You are able to generate quotations and invoices (based on a predefined template) and send them to guests as a PDF file. We would be happy to help you tailor these templates for your specific needs.

Your guest invoices will also include various billable items (laundry, services, etc.) and purchases can be included from your POS systems (GAAP, etc.).

Locally Hosted (On-premises)

Although there are many benefits to a cloud-based system, hosting key services in your local network always give you more control over who can access your sensitive data (e.g. your guest information).

We take care of the installation, configuration and security of our software, and strictly control data that leaves your network (e.g. for online bookings).

Housekeeping Module

Our software makes it easy to manage the rooms at your accommodation with extensive reporting, room status automation (as well as manual flags) and the ability to track regular maintenance.

We also provide notes and special requests fields on each booking record, which will appear in this module so that potential actions can be reviewed.

Audit Logging and History

All important user activity is logged to an audit trail, and includes when it was changed (date and time), what was changed (before and after), and who was the person that performed the action.

In addition to this detailed audit trail, you can also view the complete history of all bookings made at your property and generate actionable reports.

Flexible Rate Management

Rates and packages can be very simple or complex, depending on what you need. Either way, The Host has a wizard that will step you through the process of building them, and there is no quantity limit.

If this part of managing your property gives you an instant migraine, our support team can do this part for you (with your requirements) at no extra cost.

Central Reservation Module

If you run a group and have a central reservations office, we have a dedicated client app that allows a booking (or a query) to be sent to multiple remote properties (in addition to local reservations).

Although this feature does require some additional training for your staff, it’s available to all our clients at no extra cost, so tell us if you need it installed.

Powerful Security Controls

In addition to the robust audit trails that are logged by our software for important changes (mentioned above), you can assign specific permissions to your users, which limit what they can see or do.

If you have several staff members, you can create groups, assign users to them and then choose the granular permissions for each of those groups.

Fractional Property Ownership

The Host allows you to handle factional ownership, either on a property or on a per room basis. It can also scale out to a group level (with 2+ properties) and can be used as a central booking system.

After capturing an owner, you can view a bookings chart (including who owns it), a sales chart (with a search feature) and the ownership calendar.

Channel Manager Integration

We are almost finished with the development of our own channel manager, which will integrate directly with The Host at your premises.

When we are complete, you will be able to receive bookings from multiple online travel agents, push specific types of accommodation via a secure API, and pull detailed reports about all activities.

On-Demand Property Statistics

An important part of running a successful property is understanding how it is performing on a day-to-day, month-to-month basis, as it lets you make an informed decision about aspects of your business.

Our software includes reports for things like room occupancy, booking sources and much more, and even allows you to design your own custom report.

Guest Booking Management

Our guest reservation system is both user-friendly and feature-rich. You can easily manage bookings from multiple sources, extend stays, update guest details and the check-in/out process is a breeze.

Our software also boasts a robust guest booking chart that will help you visualize your occupancy, both at present and into the distant future.

Detailed Guest Reporting

The Host allows you to pull reports for occupancy rates, guest status (checked in/out, in-house, etc.), the source of bookings, guest locations (useful for marketing), rate usage and overdue deposits.

It is also possible to see quick stats about bookings made or canceled today, build forecasting reports and to export all of this data to a CSV file.

Third-party Integrations

In addition to the website “book now” button and a direct link to booking.com, our software can export data to pastel, connect to POS systems (GAAP, etc.) and link to Man3000 and eCommunicate (SMSes).

Click here to learn more, or simply contact us with your questions, especially if you want to discuss a potential integration with your business software.

Easily Manage Debtors

If you don’t want to export your property debtors to an accounting package, our software features a debtor management system that lets you transfer an outstanding balance to a debtors account.

You are also able to consolidate multiple guests to a single debtor, generate invoices, create detailed reports, close paid accounts and much more.

Financial Flow Management

The Host generates transactions that are posted to guests, staff accounts, debtors, invoicing and other accounts, all of which are meticulously monitored for potential errors (both intentional or accidental).

Some examples are deposits, room billing, laundry, telephone calls, food and beverages, transfers, etc. You can also view detailed reports on transactions.

Custom Development (Optional)

Since our software is hosted locally, it allows us to customize your installation to meet your business requirements. You just tell us what is needed, and we will give you a quote and a turnaround time.

There is no real limit to what we can achieve, so if you are interested, please check out this page and give us a call about what you need.

Conferencing and Events

Our software allows you to easily manage multiple conference rooms or wedding venues, including all your rates, billable items, special requirements and any number of guests that plan to attend.

You are also able to view detailed reports to make sure that everything is accounted for, and use the debtors module to assign expenses to an account.

Email and SMS Communication

In addition to the ability to generate various letters and other documents (using MS Word templates), you can send an email or SMS when bookings are made (provisional, confirmed or cancelled).

It’s also possible to send bulk SMSes to your guests (or on a per guest basis) directly from our software. You can simply contact us to load credits.

Need a quote or have questions?